Football Manitoba is committed to the promotion and growth of girls’ and women’s football throughout Manitoba. Whether through tackle football, or flag football, the opportunities for women in football continue to grow every year.
Manitoba Girls Football Association
The Manitoba Girls Football Association if the first female tackle program of its kind in Western Canada.
The MGFA is dedicated to developing and fostering opportunities for girls to play football against girls. We are not competition for minor football in Manitoba, our leagues are played in the spring, this allows girls learn how to play, hone their skills and compete against each other, and if they so choose to compete in the youth leagues in the fall.
It is a stand alone program that allows the girls that only want to play against other girls to do so, and still allows the girls that wish to play fall football to do so as well.
weSTERn women's canadian football league
Manitoba is the proud home of two Women’s Tackle teams that participate in the seven-team WWCFL, with teams located in Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta.
The Winnipeg Wolfpack and the Manitoba Fearless accept female players from the age of 18, and is a natural progression for girls to continue playing the sport they love once they graduate from the MGFA or coed programs.