The Nomination form attached is prepared as a guide in the nomination process for induction into the Football Manitoba Hall of Fame. It is meant to assist the nominator in understanding the submission requirements, including soliciting and compiling the required information.
The Nomination form attached is prepared as a guide in the nomination process for induction into the Football Manitoba Hall of Fame. It is meant to assist the nominator in understanding the submission requirements, including soliciting and compiling the required information.
Being inducted into the Football Manitoba Hall of Fame is the highest honour that can be awarded by Football Manitoba, and as such, the nomination process should respect and reflect that distinction.
Nominations will be accepted at any time until the final calendar day of February of the year of induction and the Induction date will be publicized on the Football Manitoba website.
The Football Manitoba Hall of Fame Committee invites members of the community to submit nominations to the Hall of Fame. Nominations can be submitted at any time, however, as the Induction Dinner is traditionally held in late summer / early fall, the selection sub-committee of the FM HOF Committee reviews only those nominations that are submitted prior to the deadline.
Candidates may be nominated in the category of:
Eligible nominees will be individuals of good character who consistently performed at a high level in Minor, Provincial, College, University, national and/or professional teams, after having played a minimum of two years in Manitoba. Consideration will be given to players that have made a significant contribution to the sport of football in Manitoba, Canada, and/or another country. Recognized as an outstanding performer in the sport achieving an elite status. Candidates need to have been born in Manitoba or resided in Manitoba during the period in which the contributions were made.
Individuals of good character who have made a significant contribution, demonstrated consistent success, and ongoing commitment to football over an extended period in leagues or systems recognized by Football Manitoba. Eligible nominees will have a tradition of developing athletes and teams in a period including consistency at top level placing while demonstrating a commitment to the development of athletes and the sport of football in Manitoba. Candidates need to have been born in Manitoba or resided in Manitoba during the period in which the contributions were made.
Individuals who have made a significant contribution to the development and promotion of football in Manitoba. Eligible nominees will be individuals of good character who have made a significant contribution to the development and promotion of football in Manitoba, such as managers, trainers, administrators, officials, sponsors, and media.
All candidates should have demonstrated outstanding achievement and leadership extending over a period of years in the football community. Candidates need to have been born in Manitoba or resided in Manitoba during the period in which the contributions were made.
A team must have represented its community and/or Manitoba with distinction at the local, provincial, national, or international level. A team may be nominated if it was based in Manitoba, played in a Manitoba league, or was registered with a Manitoba provincial football governing body.
The person making the nomination is responsible for submitting:
- a cover letter, directed to the Football Manitoba Hall of Fame Committee
- contact information for themselves and the nominee
- a detailed explanation of the nominee’s significant and conspicuous contributions to Football (see below for more information)
- signed and dated letter of endorsement (see below for more information)
Use the fillable form [at the end of this guide] for providing the contact information, and explanation of the nominee’s contributions to Football in the Province of Manitoba.
Nominations must be completed by the nominator with individual accomplishments clearly documented. The Selection Committee will not compose nominations from information submitted.
The detailed explanation of the nominee’s contributions constitutes a key component of the adjudication process undertaken by the Football Manitoba Hall of Fame Committee in whether the nominee’s name is forwarded to members of the sub-committee for consideration. Hall of Fame Committee Members will consider the complete nomination package when contemplating their decision on the suitability of the nominee. For sub-committee members who have no personal knowledge of the nominee, the explanation of the nominee’s contributions may ultimately determine whether they view the nominee as being worthy
of induction to the Hall of Fame. Focus and emphasis should be placed on how the nominee’s contributions went above and beyond normal achievements and expectations.
At a minimum, include the following information in your explanation of the nominee’s contributions to football in the Province of Manitoba.
- An overview of the qualities that identify the nominee as a candidate worthy of one of the highest honours that can be awarded by Football Manitoba.
- Not only why the nomination deserves consideration, but also the impact of the nominee’s significant and conspicuous contributions.
- How the nominee’s actions have contributed to the enhancement of the game of football and Football Manitoba’s goals or programs at the provincial or national level.
- Individual nominations should include teams played for, the level of play (i.e. leagues), years of involvement, All Star/Provincial Teams, league leading stats, individual highlights, leadership qualities, and any personal awards.
- Team nominations must clearly demonstrate significant accomplishments.
- Supporting information including Newspaper/Internet clippings should be included as supporting documents where possible but limited to a total of three pages. If more than three pages are submitted, only the first three will be circulated. All photocopies must be legible and on no larger than 8.5 × 11″ paper. Note: all nominations will be photocopied for distribution to the entire Hall of Fame Board.
The most important thing to know about endorsement letters is that they must support the assertions made in the nomination, and they must clearly state what the nominee has done that is above and beyond. Endorsement letters must have substance. Simply saying someone was a great person simply isn’t enough. The person writing the letter must speak from personal knowledge, not second-hand information.
A clearly written and well-documented nomination, along with a letter of endorsement that support that nomination, are essential. When requesting a letter of endorsement please emphasize the significance of this aspect of the nomination process.
If you have any questions, please email:
While we cannot assist you in the actual preparation of a nomination package, we will gladly provide guidance on general information such as the appropriate forms to use or what to include in your submission package.
Note: In order for the candidate to be considered for induction, the signed and completed nomination form complete with endorsement letter must be addressed to and received: In person at: Football Manitoba Attention: Hall of Fame Selection Committee 145 Pacific Avenue Winnipeg, Manitoba R3B 2Z6 Or electronically at: